About the Photographer


After spending over thirty years in the oil and gas industry I decided to focus on photography. I received my first camera as a gift through the company for which I worked. Unfortunately, it was not a digital camera and film was very expensive to buy and process, especially for a novice photographer. After spending a boatload of money resulting in many ruined shots, my interest waned. It was only after the development of the digital camera did my enthusiasm for photography re-ignite.


When we moved to the Pacific Northwest we experienced the incredible beauty and breathtaking scenery which presents many photographic opportunities. It is here my interest in photography became a passion to record God’s awesome creation. While photographing Landscapes, Seascapes and other elements of nature I began to notice unique and interesting images within the images which prompted me to branch out into the area of Abstract Fine Art as shown in my Queue the Encore image which started as a photograph of vines clinging to a fence.


While traveling this country I am acutely aware of the awesome beauty of God's creation which persuades me to record these awe-inspiring wonders through the lens of a camera. I hope through my photographs and images you will embrace just how beautiful, interesting and magnificent God’s creation truly is.


In addition to photographing natural scenes, I look beyond the obvious and, through the magic of post processing, develop interesting pieces open to interpretation and inviting conversation such as my Candle Smoke Images.